Coping, Plant Medicine, and the Birth of GiftMeSoul

Coping, Plant Medicine, and the Birth of GiftMeSoul

I first heard about plant medicine about five years ago, when a friend shared how it helped her deal with a toxic boss and, more profoundly, when her mom passed away. While I was curious, I was also scared. What exactly IS plant medicine? That was my burning question.

What Is Plant Medicine?

It turns out that "plant medicine" doesn't only refer to ayahuasca, nor do you have to travel to the jungles of Peru or Costa Rica to experience its effects. Plant medicine includes various indigenous psychoactive plants used for therapeutic purposes. Some examples are white lily, blue lotus, kanna, sassafras, psilocybin, and San Pedro.

But let me clarify: This is NOT a Saturday night party. Working with plant medicine is a deeply transformative experience. It encourages you to delve inward, confront your shadows, heal inner wounds, and, if you're fortunate, connect with ancestors and source energy itself.

My Journey with Plant Medicine

Two years ago, after my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, I faced a deep sadness as I began to lose her. Around that time, another friend shared his transformative experiences with plant medicine and suggested it might help me cope. Interestingly, both friends were part of the same plant medicine community, and though they didn’t know each other, I saw this "coincidence" as a sign. I trusted the process and took the plunge.

My First Plant Medicine Experience

About two hours outside of NYC, I joined a group of roughly 20 people for my first plant medicine journey. Some participants were new like me, while others had more experience. I had a one-on-one meeting with the facilitator, known as the "Shamama." After sharing my life situation and previous experiences with psychedelics (which had been purely recreational), she prescribed my medicine for the night: white lily as a heart opener, followed by a heroic dose of psilocybin.

A Deeply Transformative Experience

As I settled on my mat, the music began, and I quickly “dropped into” my ancestral realm. I was greeted by my loved ones who had passed away. It was an energetic reunion filled with love and joy. My paternal grandfather was the "host," and my grandmother appeared as bolts of rainbows dancing around the energetic space. I encountered ancestors I had never met in this lifetime, but I knew exactly who they were. The experience was magical, and the messages I received were deeply profound.

Later, I journeyed into different dimensions, gaining emotional tools to cope with my responsibilities and the challenges ahead. (Note: This ancestral experience is considered unusual for a first journey—everyone’s experiences are unique.)

The journey lasted about 4-5 hours, and it changed me on a core level. Outside of being a mother, it was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life, even with its challenging aspects. Each journey since has been equally transformative. They have become my therapy, grounding, and source of enlightenment. They provide me with the headspace to stay balanced, especially as I navigate the heartbreak of losing my mom.

How Plant Medicine Has Changed My Life

As an only child, the responsibility of caring for my mother has weighed heavily on my shoulders, but my plant medicine community has become my saving grace in dark times. I couldn't be more grateful for their support and the profound impact that journeying is having on my life.

The Birth of GiftMeSoul

As I continue on this spiritual path—alongside meditation, yoga, journaling, and various forms of energetic healing—my career is also shifting. This shift has led to the launch of GiftMeSoul, a project that feels aligned, healing, and authentic.

Whether you're new to this world or have been on a similar path, I invite you to explore my curated selection of soulfully aligned gifts. These items are designed to help you dive deeper into your own soul or to share with your cherished soul family.

Giving Back

At checkout, I have partnered with three charitable organizations: Alzheimer’s Association, Trevor Project, and New Yorkers for Children. I encourage you to consider making a small donation, which goes 100% to these organizations. Together, we can give back.

As Pierre Teilhard de Chardin beautifully said, "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience."

With immense gratitude & love,

Above: Tonetile portrait art by Jake Ewen

Gift Curation Service

GiftMeChic offers gift curation services for organizations, retailers and private events. Please email us to inquire further.